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Japanese History
Sven Saaler's site


I have published several books and articles on modern Japanese history and politics. Below please find my most recent publications and a selection of books I consider representative of my work. Some of them are available in full-text for download. For more details, please check out my CV or my profile at

© Sven Saaler / Brill

Men in Metal

In Men in Metal, Sven Saaler examines Japanese public statuary as a central site of historical memory from its beginnings in the Meiji period through the twenty-first century. He shows how the elites of the modern Japanese nation-state went about constructing an iconography of national heroes to serve their agenda of instilling national (and nationalist) thinking into the masses. Based on a wide range of hitherto untapped primary sources, Saaler combines data-driven quantitative analysis and in-depth case studies to identify the categories and historical figures that dominated public space. Men in Metal also explores the agents behind this visualized form of the politics of memory and introduces historiographical controversies surrounding statue-building in modern Japan.

Men in Metal is now Open Access! You can download the book from the publisher’s website.

Routledge Handbook of Modern Japanese History

A concise overview of modern Japanese history until the end of the twentieth century.

Pan-Asianism. A Documentary History, Vol. 1 & 2

The history of Pan-Asianism through primary sources and commentaries in two volumes.

Pan-Asianism in Modern Japanese History

Analyzing approaches to the construction of a regional order and a regional identity in East Asia.

A New Modern History of East Asia

Written collaboratively by scholars from three East Asian countries, this book presents a common understanding regarding the history of East Asia.

Under Eagle Eyes

Lithographs, Drawings & Photographs from the Prussian Expedition to Japan, 1860-61 in German, English and Japanese.


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panasianismus modern japanese history

New book on Pan-Asianism

New publication on Pan-Asianism just came out. It is a collection of sources relating to ideas and movements of Asian regionalism and Asian solidarity. Very helpful as a reader, or…

Research & Other Activities

For more details regarding my research and other activities, please follow the links below.